to others that happen onto this in my server junk it is from DD-WRT forum post:
Never know what the BrainSlayer might be up to AND I don't really mess with BCM units these days.
EVERYTHING I told you does NOT work with newer builds. I tried with r47461 & r47644 on the ASUS RTN12-D1.
NO way --NO how to get internet access from the unbridged VAP.
Anyways I went to a known working build I used in the past (r43028).
Done reset & reconfig in very a simple way and it worked perfectly.
The PDF pages show its setup and what works.
Reinstalled r47644 over the working setup and same shit ---VAP connects with correct IP but has NO internet :-(
Do whatever you want ... but if its a WAP within your own network there is nothing wrong with using an old build.
Hell, I have WDS network using builds from 2015 cause it is only thing that is stable and works for me and it's been
used non stop 24/7 for many years.
had a few minutes...actually I spent a few hours on this shit but that is what I found.
gotta go --> way late for other things...
have a good day/night :-)